A count-down timer that can be configured to fire once or repeatedly.

The timer counts down from the specified duration to 0. When the timer reaches 0, the timer invokes the specified callback function. Use a periodic timer to repeatedly count down the same interval.

A negative duration is treated the same as a duration of 0. If the duration is statically known to be 0, consider using run.

Frequently the duration is either a constant or computed as in the following example (taking advantage of the multiplication operator of the Duration class):

const TIMEOUT = const Duration(seconds: 3);
const ms = const Duration(milliseconds: 1);

startTimeout([int milliseconds]) {
  var duration = milliseconds == null ? TIMEOUT : ms * milliseconds;
  return new Timer(duration, handleTimeout);
void handleTimeout() {  // callback function

Note: If Dart code using Timer is compiled to JavaScript, the finest granularity available in the browser is 4 milliseconds.

See Stopwatch for measuring elapsed time.

Static Methods

run( callback()) → void

Runs the given callback asynchronously as soon as possible.


Timer(Duration duration, callback())

Creates a new timer.

Timer.periodic(Duration duration, callback(Timer timer))

Creates a new repeating timer.



hashCode int

Get a hash code for this object.

read-only, inherited
isActive bool

Returns whether the timer is still active.

runtimeType Type

A representation of the runtime type of the object.

read-only, inherited


operator ==(other) bool

The equality operator.



cancel() → void

Cancels the timer.

noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic

Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.

toString() String

Returns a string representation of this object.
