  • DomName('CanvasRenderingContext2D')

Static Methods

internalCreateCanvasRenderingContext2D() CanvasRenderingContext2D




backingStorePixelRatio double

Deprecated always returns 1.0


The underlying JS DOM object.

read / write, inherited
canvas CanvasElement

currentTransform Matrix

read / write
direction String

read / write
fillStyle Object

read / write
font String

read / write
globalAlpha num

read / write
globalCompositeOperation String

read / write
hashCode int

imageSmoothingEnabled bool

Whether images and patterns on this canvas will be smoothed when this canvas is scaled.

read / write
lineCap String

read / write
lineDashOffset num

read / write
lineJoin String

read / write
lineWidth num

read / write
miterLimit num

read / write
runtimeType Type

A representation of the runtime type of the object.

read-only, inherited
shadowBlur num

read / write
shadowColor String

read / write
shadowOffsetX num

read / write
shadowOffsetY num

read / write
strokeStyle Object

read / write
textAlign String

read / write
textBaseline String

read / write


operator ==(other) bool

The equality operator.


addHitRegion([Map options]) → void

arc(num x, num y, num radius, num startAngle, num endAngle, [bool anticlockwise = false]) → void

arcTo(num x1, num y1, num x2, num y2, num radius) → void

beginPath() → void

bezierCurveTo(num cp1x, num cp1y, num cp2x, num cp2y, num x, num y) → void

clearHitRegions() → void

clearRect(num x, num y, num width, num height) → void

clip([path_OR_winding, String winding]) → void

closePath() → void

createImageData(num sw, num sh) ImageData

createImageDataFromImageData(ImageData imagedata) ImageData

createLinearGradient(num x0, num y0, num x1, num y1) CanvasGradient

createPattern(canvas_OR_image, String repetitionType) CanvasPattern

createPatternFromImage(ImageElement image, String repetitionType) CanvasPattern

createRadialGradient(num x0, num y0, num r0, num x1, num y1, num r1) CanvasGradient

drawFocusIfNeeded(element_OR_path, [Element element]) → void

drawImage(CanvasImageSource source, num destX, num destY) → void

Draws an image from a CanvasImageSource to this canvas.

drawImageScaled(CanvasImageSource source, num destX, num destY, num destWidth, num destHeight) → void

Draws an image from a CanvasImageSource to an area of this canvas.

drawImageScaledFromSource(CanvasImageSource source, num sourceX, num sourceY, num sourceWidth, num sourceHeight, num destX, num destY, num destWidth, num destHeight) → void

Draws an image from a CanvasImageSource to an area of this canvas.

drawImageToRect(CanvasImageSource source, Rectangle destRect, {Rectangle sourceRect}) → void

Draws an image from a CanvasImageSource to an area of this canvas.

ellipse(num x, num y, num radiusX, num radiusY, num rotation, num startAngle, num endAngle, bool anticlockwise) → void

fill([path_OR_winding, String winding]) → void

fillRect(num x, num y, num width, num height) → void

fillText(String text, num x, num y, [num maxWidth]) → void

getContextAttributes() Canvas2DContextAttributes

getImageData(num sx, num sy, num sw, num sh) ImageData

getLineDash() List<num>

isContextLost() bool

isPointInPath(path_OR_x, num x_OR_y, [winding_OR_y, String winding]) bool

isPointInStroke(path_OR_x, num x_OR_y, [num y]) bool

lineTo(num x, num y) → void

measureText(String text) TextMetrics

moveTo(num x, num y) → void

noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic

Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.

putImageData(ImageData imagedata, num dx, num dy, [num dirtyX, num dirtyY, num dirtyWidth, num dirtyHeight]) → void

quadraticCurveTo(num cpx, num cpy, num x, num y) → void

rect(num x, num y, num width, num height) → void

removeHitRegion(String id) → void

resetTransform() → void

restore() → void

rotate(num angle) → void

save() → void

scale(num x, num y) → void

scrollPathIntoView([Path2D path]) → void

setFillColorHsl(int h, num s, num l, [num a = 1]) → void

Sets the color used inside shapes. h is in degrees, 0-360. s, l are in percent, 0-100. a is 0-1.

setFillColorRgb(int r, int g, int b, [num a = 1]) → void

Sets the color used inside shapes. r, g, b are 0-255, a is 0-1.

setLineDash(List<num> dash) → void

setStrokeColorHsl(int h, num s, num l, [num a = 1]) → void

Sets the color used for stroking shapes. h is in degrees, 0-360. s, l are in percent, 0-100. a is 0-1.

setStrokeColorRgb(int r, int g, int b, [num a = 1]) → void

Sets the color used for stroking shapes. r, g, b are 0-255, a is 0-1.

setTransform(num a, num b, num c, num d, num e, num f) → void

stroke([Path2D path]) → void

strokeRect(num x, num y, num width, num height) → void

strokeText(String text, num x, num y, [num maxWidth]) → void

toString() String

Returns a string representation of this object.

transform(num a, num b, num c, num d, num e, num f) → void

translate(num x, num y) → void